Lately, I have been reflecting on missions. This makes sense considering that my current calling in life involves running a mission trip center. I have also been considering taking a trip to Zimbabwe for my own mission experience and I am wondering if I am able to do this.
November 6, 2011
Posted by Breanna at 8:16 PM 0 comments
November 5, 2011
Posted by Breanna at 9:39 PM 0 comments
Searching for Something
I am searching. I long to meet with God and yet I don't succeed. One would think that as a seminarian, I would have this figured out. But unfortunately, this is a misconception.
Posted by Breanna at 9:31 PM 0 comments
October 31, 2011
Building Communities of Shalom
I have been preparing for next summer at Red Line Ministries, the ministry I am currently directing, and this has led me to dive headfirst into the Biblical concept of shalom.
Posted by Breanna at 1:00 PM 1 comments
April 7, 2011
Corruption, Bureaucracy, and all those other lovely things
It's funny to think about where I am now in my view of the world and where I used to be.
I remember traveling in India and learning about the corruption and bureaucracy that exist there and thinking, I'm so glad we don't deal with that in the US. I had a rosy vision of the US government and thought that things worked the way we learned about in school. Politicians listened to the citizens who elected them and enacted the bills their constituents wanted enacted. If a politician didn't follow what the people wanted they would lose their seat and all would be fixed.
This rosy vision no longer exists. I see the corruption that exists in our government. The more money you have, the quicker politicians are willing to listen to your ideas. Politicians no longer listen to and think about the people who elected them, but instead listen to who has the most money, the lobbyists who have been paid to talk to them, and their political parties.
I find it all really frustrating. Government is supposed to be the people organized to meet their needs. But more and more the US government is becoming corporations and the rich organized to meet THEIR needs. We need to take back our government so that it serves the people.
Posted by Breanna at 1:39 PM 0 comments
January 2, 2011
New Years Resolutions
Perhaps one of my New Year's resolutions should be to blog more....but it's not. But maybe I will attempt to more effort into it as this new year begins.
This morning I had a really great devotional time that got me fired up. As a part of that, I ended up coming up with some New Year's resolutions;
Love God more and more everyday.
My faith is defined by the Great Commandment to love God and love your neighbor. I feel like I often do a pretty good job at loving my neighbor, but less good of job in loving God. Loving God is the first commandment and the greatest and so I need to put more effort into this. I need to focus on spending time with God and thinking about what God's plan for my life is.
Talk about the hard stuff.
I hate conflict and so if conflict arises or something makes me uncomfortable I am very likely to shut down and not say anything. If I want to be a voice for justice, I need to get over this and not be afraid to speak truth to power. But I am also thinking about this goal in the personal sense. I need to be honest with those around me and say what I'm thinking and if a difficult topic comes up, we need to talk about it, not run away.
Stop gossiping. Be more positive.
I am a venter. If someone makes me angry I need to talk about how I feel with someone else, complain a bit, and then I am usually over it. I've realized that sometimes I take my venting too far and complain to too many people. I need to work on this and allow myself to vent if needed (I can't bottle up my feelings) and then need to be done and move on. I also need to identify one or two close people to vent to and that's it.
Stop wishing and start doing.
I feel like I'm pretty good at this in the macro sense of my life, but less good in the details. For example, I always think about how I want to sit around and sing and wish someone would lead it. I spend a lot of time thinking about this and being sad that it doesn't happen. I need to get off my butt and do it myself. I want to start instituting some little things in my life that I keep wishing for.
Posted by Breanna at 10:35 AM 0 comments
October 27, 2010
Finding my focus
Two years ago, when I decided to get a Masters in Social Justice, I looked forward to using the degree program to help me clarify my focus. Social Justice is a broad term that covers everything from immigrant rights, to race relations, to food and beyond. I struggled with trying to identify where my passions fit. Where was I called to work? To say that I was interested in "social justice" is just too broad and I knew I had to pick an area more specific.
I have struggled with picking a focus area and graduated the program without the clarification of a focus that I sought. Fortunately, through my work at Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary this semester and thanks to a Christian Educators Fellowship conference that I attended this weekend, I think my focus area is finally becoming more clear.
I feel like I am called to work to build relationships. We live in a society that emphasizes individualism. Today, more than ever, we live in a world of broken relationships. Our relationships between each other are broken, weak, or even non-existent. The same holds true for our relationship with God. These two types of relationships are dependent on each other. If we do not have relationships with each other, it is difficult to have a strong relationship with God. And I believe that if we do not have a strong relationship with God (under whatever name one may call God) it is difficult to have strong relationships with each other.
And so more and more, I am feeling a call to facilitate the mending of the broken relationships that exist around me. My definition of social justice falls into this understanding of relationships. I define social justice as "living in right relationship." I feel called to examine relationships around me and to work to make them right. I feel called to help build community and to create a world of love where relationships are valued.
Posted by Breanna at 4:06 PM 0 comments
July 4, 2010
New Home Sweet Home
I have moved! Earlier this spring I was given the opportunity to move into a house that is owned by the church. I will be doing a rent/work exchange as a part of that will be managing a new intentional community.
A sad part of this is that my time at the Ella Baker Community has come to an end and I think it may also mark the end of the community. Everyone has decided to move on. We have replaced the people in the house and I believe they are interested in intentional community, so I hope some of the values will continue. We will have to see.
I have moved into a gorgeous old house that is over 100 years old. I am excited because I have gotten to do a ton of work on it and because I work at the church, I have more control over the house. This means that I can install things like a hanging pot rack and magnetic knife holder in the kitchen and a compost bin in the back. It also means that chickens are more of a possibility.
We have had the house back for about a month, though I just moved in yesterday, and it has been a flurry of activity. We have painted the entire house, redone the floors on the second and third floors, redone some of the kitchen (though not by choice and it'll need more work soon), and installed 4 raised beds in the front yard.
I am already seeing the wonderful possibilities this house can offer. We have met a ton of people all-ready through the front yard gardens. One of my housemates is really excited about community outreach and so we've been brainstorming all kinds of ideas. I see a bright future for this yet unnamed community and I can't wait to see what unfolds.
Posted by Breanna at 2:18 PM 1 comments